East Lake Neighborhood Association
Lexington, Kentucky

ELNA News and updates

Neighbors, I came across this Phil Levin quote on the importance of neighborhoods, in an email from James Clear (whose 3-2-1 email I recommend to you). Bold highlight is mine. – Addison Hosea, Secretary, ELNA …

Neighbors: Please review the recommended changes that FCNC is suggesting to the Urban County Council. Continue to make your voice heard and share your experiences with short-term rentals (STRs) with our 7th District Council member, …

June 8, 2024 FCNC GENERAL MEETING Neighbors Helping Neighbors, the Village Concept Parks and Recreation Board Monday Evening, June 10, 6:30, Tates Creek Christian Church Dear Neighbors, Please attend the FCNC General Meeting scheduled for …

Neighbors, if you would like a voice in VRBO and AirBNB regulations in Lexington, please follow up with the survey, linked below. You can find email addresses for Preston Worley and the Council on this …

Good morning, neighbors. You may have seen recent articles in the Herald Leader (may be behind a paywall: Lexington residents worry about neighborhood vacation rentals | Lexington Herald Leader (kentucky.com) ) about the effects that …

Neighbors – please take a few minutes to read the following. We have had several recent important changes made that will have long term impact on Lexington, including expansion of areas available for development, making …

Neighbors, here are suggestions when you have trouble with a short term rental around you. Any changes to the STR Ordinance will be considered in April 2024 at the earliest. Addison Hosea, Secretary, East Lake …

Neighbors, WTVQ reported this announcement on 12/15/23. Addison Hosea, Secretary, East Lake Neighborhood Association +++ “After careful consideration, I have decided not to seek re-election for another term as Councilmember. It has been an honor …



The ELNA is a non-profit organization of resident members working together to promote, preserve, and improve their neighborhood as a desirable residential area.

Board of Directors

President -> vacant
Vice - President -> Ron Bowman
Secretary -> Addison Hosea
Treasurer -> Elizabeth Wegner
Board -> Bob Kennedy
Board -> Teresa Sutherland