
2022 October 10 – Fayette County Neighborhood Council meeting

Dear Neighbors, The next meeting of the Fayette County Neighborhood Council will be on Monday October 10 at Tates Creek Christian Church, 3150 Tates Creek Road at 6:30 p.m. This promises to be a very interesting meeting because we will host Council-at-Large candidates who will answer questions about neighborhood issues. The FCNC registration table will

2022 October 10 – Fayette County Neighborhood Council meeting Read More »

2022 Aug 18 – Public Comments Needed Opposing Incinerator Permit

ACTION ALERT: CKAS, along with other environmental organizations, strongly opposes a recent incinerator permit request that would significantly harm air quality at McConnell Springs and in surrounding neighborhoods. Please add your voice to ours with a public comment. In the summer of 2021, C&R Asphalt & Mulch (located immediately beside McConnell Springs) began operating an

2022 Aug 18 – Public Comments Needed Opposing Incinerator Permit Read More »

2022 July – Introduction to the Office of the Citizens’ Advocate

I am reaching out to Lexington’s neighborhood associations/HOAs to introduce myself. My name is Amber Deitz and I am Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government’s Citizens’ Advocate. If you are not familiar with the role of the Citizens’ Advocate – the position was created by LFUCG’s Charter in the 1970s to provide Lexington’s residents with an independent

2022 July – Introduction to the Office of the Citizens’ Advocate Read More »

2021 November – Redistricting Lexington for 2020 U.S. Census

Dear Neighbors, The Urban County Council will be giving final consideration to proposed redistricting of Council Districts in the next several weeks. A Council-selected citizen committee studied a number of possible redistricting maps and submitted a final map to the Council for consideration. Some neighborhoods are unhappy about precincts moving from one district to another

2021 November – Redistricting Lexington for 2020 U.S. Census Read More »