2021 May – BGT free webinar for historic homeowners

The Bluegrass Trust reminds us that their “Navigating Historic Home Rehabilitation” free webinar series kicks off May 17, 2021. The first session is Monday at 4 p.m. Please join them at any or all of the sessions, 4 p.m. May 17-21 as they navigate historic home rehabilitation with five featured speakers in preservation fields and trades. This freeseries seeks to educate historic homeowners(and aspiring historic homeowners!) about window restoration, painting historicsurfaces, repairing historic masonry, historictax credits and design guidelines for those who live in H-1 districts.

Please use this zoom link for registration: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkfuGsrzosGdJndZsOaEfVnnRnXlUeJfhP.