Updated: Lexington council members can be reached at Councilmembers-email@lexingtonky.gov

From Walt Gaffield, president of the Fayette County Neighborhood Council, comes a request for a call to action.

“In simple terms, the ZOTA if approved would double the floor space for apartment buildings in the R-3, R-4, and R-5 zones in terms of combined lot coverage and height.  R-3 in particular is very common in neighborhoods with single family detached houses.  If your neighborhood is on a “corridor” or even a collector street, a zone change to R-3, R-4, or R-5 would lead to a developer getting a much larger apartment building if he were to win a zoning battle.

If you oppose gentrification, then the FCNC believes the ZOTA would encourage more tear-downs and intense redevelopment.  We suggest that you call or email your council member and ask for much more discussion of the ZOTA.  The FCNC has asked that the ZOTA be removed from Thursday’s Council docket for more public discussion.  Please support the FCNC request!I would think the Council will want to hear from constituents and make some changes before voting on the ZOTA, so we are hopeful that CMs will remove it from the docket.”