Yesterday, September 29, 2021, we emailed a message asking FCNC members to attend a Zoom meeting to hear a discussion by Senior Planner Valerie Friedmann about a proposal for an ordinance which would change LFUCG
requirements for and the definition of open space in residential development.
Most of us currently are likely to regard required open space for the building or redevelopment of a residence as being the amount of land that must be left unencumbered by buildings, or driveways, or trash collection areas, or swimming pools. Traditionally this has been a percentage of buildable land, specifically, land at the back and side yard of a house or town home or apartment. But Planning has told us for years that an onslaught of an additional population is coming to Lexington and that housing needs
to be ready to accommodate this population. And because there is a fixed amount of developable property in Lexington, given the difficulty of changing the Urban Service Boundary, some alternative provisions must be suggested via building ordinances. How to change some building practices, in the form of a new Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZOTA) is being considered by LFUCG Planning. Valerie Friedmann will discuss this type of provision as it has been proposed locally and is practiced in other areas of the United States. Citizen input is invited with regard to the proposal.
The proposal: Open Space is privately owned and controlled, and it need not be green according to the new view of such space. In fact it is likely that less space in a residential area will be green than before, if the ZOTA
under discussion becomes ordinance. Most plentiful in the type of development being discussed will be open
space which tends to accommodate socializing and/or commerce, and that space is usually paved. Open space
that is green is called vegetated, and vegetated space seems to be less desirable because it is thought of
as little usable.
Under the provisions of the proposed ZOTA, net open space will DECLINE in Quantity (required area) from
the amount that exists under current zoning requirements, but, it is claimed, the open space will increase in Quality. Some definitions could change: Currently residences are required to have open space measured by the amount of territory on the side or in the rear of a residence. A front yard is required currently on all residences, but the front yard does not count as part of open space. Under the proposed ZOTA, the front yard will count as open space. At the same time, front yards will also perform double duty as a place for a sidewalk easement. That means the paving is in the yard, but it still counts in the area as yard space even though it is a public sidewalk.
The above is meant as a small effort to explain what types of things will be part of the presentation on Thursday,
September 30 at 6 p.m. through the zoom meeting. We hope that your interest will be piqued based on this short
introduction and that you will join the meeting. Here’s the Zoom address:
Long Range Planning is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: FCNC Open Space ZOTA Draft Text
Time: Sep 30, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 830 2427 2971
Passcode: 297401
sent by Janet Cabaniss, FCNC Secretary jcabaniss
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