2022 Aug 18 – Public Comments Needed Opposing Incinerator Permit

ACTION ALERT: CKAS, along with other environmental organizations, strongly opposes a recent incinerator permit request that would significantly harm air quality at McConnell Springs and in surrounding neighborhoods. Please add your voice to ours with a public comment.

In the summer of 2021, C&R Asphalt & Mulch (located immediately beside McConnell Springs) began operating an incinerator without the required air and waste permits. The heavy particulate-matter smoke and ash it generated led to several complaints. By February, the Kentucky Division for Air Quality and the EPA forced C&R to shut down the incinerator until they obtained the necessary permits. C&R has now filed a permit request to allow their incinerator to operate six hours a day, seven days a week and burn up to 28,000 tons of wood waste per year (up to 50 tons per day). It has no smoke stack and burns material on the ground, releasing pollutants at ground level.

Given C&R’s proximity to both residential areas and to McConnell Springs—a centerpiece of Lexington that has only recently been restored as a historic site and environmental education center—local environmental organizations oppose the incinerator permit and ask all group members to submit comments against granting the permit to Michelle McCloskey at Michellea.McCloskey or 300 Sower Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601. Comment are open until Thursday, August 18th.