2022 August 6 – Mayor’s Neighborhood Summit

We wanted to make sure you had heard that our next summit will take place Saturday, August 6 at the Lexington Senior Center. As you may recall, these events provide Lexington residents to come together, socialize, and learn about the work of our local government. Session topics will include information from our new Department of Housing Advocacy and Community Development, an update on the Racial Justice and Equality Commission, and an overview of the work performed by our ONE Lexington team.

We ask for attendees to pre-register, so we can make the registration process streamlined. Complimentary continental breakfast is provided.

Attached, please find a flyer regarding the event – please share with your friends and neighbors. You can also find information and registration by visiting www.lexingtonky.gov/neighborhoodsummit.

We hope to see you there!

Craig Cammack

He | Him | His

Community Outreach Liaison / Deputy Director of Communications

LGBTQ Relations, Neighborhood Engagement, School Partnerships and Veterans Affairs
Office of the Mayor859.258.3117 office
