2022 July – Introduction to the Office of the Citizens’ Advocate

I am reaching out to Lexington’s neighborhood associations/HOAs to introduce myself. My name is Amber Deitz and I am Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government’s Citizens’ Advocate. If you are not familiar with the role of the Citizens’ Advocate – the position was created by LFUCG’s Charter in the 1970s to provide Lexington’s residents with an independent agent (or ombudsperson) within the government to investigate citizen complaints against LFUCG, disclose any irregularities or abuses, and recommend policy changes. I have served in this position since May 2018.

A more thorough description of the Office of the Citizens’ Advocate can be found at https://www.lexingtonky.gov/departments/citizens-advocate-office or by searching “LFUCG Citizens’ Advocate.” It is important to note, that the Office of the Citizens’ Advocate does not replace LFUCG department’s standard complaint resolution procedures – so, complainants must make reasonable efforts to resolve problems with the LFUCG department at issue before contacting the Citizens’ Advocate.

The Citizens’ Advocate position is now full-time (effective July 1, 2022). When I am not in a meeting, I can be reached by phone or in person during normal business hours. I can also be reached through the Citizens’ Advocate online complaint form at https://lexingtonky.formstack.com/forms/citizens_advocate_complaint_form. Utilizing the online complaint form allows citizens the time to formulate and articulate concerns and attach supporting documents. After reviewing online submissions, I contact citizens through their preferred method of communication. Of course, I can always be reached via email, as well.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how the Office of the Citizens’ Advocate can assist you or your neighborhood, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Amber Deitz

Citizens’ Advocate, LFUCG
