2022 October 10 – Fayette County Neighborhood Council meeting

Dear Neighbors,

The next meeting of the Fayette County Neighborhood Council will be on Monday October 10 at Tates Creek Christian Church, 3150 Tates Creek Road at 6:30 p.m. This promises to be a very interesting meeting because we will host Council-at-Large candidates who will answer questions about neighborhood issues. The FCNC registration table will open at 6:10 p.m. Entrance to the meeting area is at the far back of the church from the Albany Road entrance to the parking lot.

If you want to send questions for consideration for our guests, please send them to fayetteneighborhoods.com. We will be working on them over the next week or so.

Remember that the three elected Council Members-at-Large represent you as well as your district representative. They run for 4-year terms and have a very important role in the management of the Urban County Government. The at-large council member who receives the largest number of votes in the general election is designated the Vice Mayor, who presides over many council meetings and determines agendas, etc. for the LFUCG Council.

Please note that we will not have a general meeting on September 12.

In addition, we want to remind you that IT’S NEVER TOO LATE…to support the FCNC! Make sure your neighborhood Treasurer has received the blue Dues Appeal and Membership Info Form and returned it with your association’s $40.00 annual dues to FCNC, P.O. Box 4161, Lexington, KY 40544 promptly! If you need another form, please let Mariana (FCNC treasurer) know at heimmarye1. Thank you!


Walt Gaffield, President

Fayette County Neighborhood Council, Inc.

sent by Janet Cabaniss, FCNC Secretary