2024 April 8 – FCNC Meeting at 6:30PM – Affordable Housing

Good morning, neighbors. You may have seen recent articles in the Herald Leader (may be behind a paywall: Lexington residents worry about neighborhood vacation rentals | Lexington Herald Leader (kentucky.com) ) about the effects that AirBNB rentals are having on Kenwick and Castlewood streets. Have a voice on this important issue! Please attend this meeting of the FCNC in 1 week.

Addison Hosea, Secretary, ELNA



The next general meeting of the Fayette County Neighborhood Council will be on Monday evening, April 8, at Tates Creek Christian Church (3150 Tates Creek Road). The registration table opens at 6:15 p.m. The meeting itself will begin at 6:30.

The topic of the meeting will be affordable housing. We have invited Commissioner Charlie Lanter, who oversees the housing Program for Lexington’s Urban County Government, and a representative from AU Associates, a recognized affordable housing developer in Fayette County. The meeting will address the types of questions listed below as well as related issues. Neighborhood concerns include:

1. It is said that Lexington needs more affordable housing, but do we know what that means? What is “affordable?” How fast are construction costs increasing compared with renter incomes? How can developing affordable housing work financially?

2. What is the need for affordable housing, and are we producing enough? How can we produce more? What needs to be done? What are other cities doing and are they successful?

3. How do people without housing in Fayette County fit into the housing equation? What are we doing now, and what could we be doing?

4. How will Lexington use the affordable housing funds that are allocated in the budget for housing?

5. How will affordable housing fit in residential areas?

6. What is known about the housing project in the Transylvania baseball field and how and when will the project progress?

I hope to see everyone on Monday evening, April 8. Please put the meeting on your calendar now! This promises to be interesting.


Walt Gaffield, President

Fayette County Neighborhood Council

P.S. Please note that we are asking you to supply the Council District in which you reside on our check-in form. Having your district will help FCNC to gauge its coverage of the city and check its effectiveness on important issues.