2024 – November update on recent Planning Commission decisions

Here is an update from the Fayette County Neighborhood Council about recent decisions from our city Planning Commission.

You are encouraged to attend the Nov 14 2024 Planning Commission hearing on STRs.

Addison Hosea

Presdident, East Lake Neighborhood Association


Thursday, October 24, the Fayette County Planning Commission (PC) agreed with the Pralltown Neighborhood Association (NA) and rejected a proposal for an 800-person privately owned dormitory that would have extended 500 feet into the neighborhood.

The Pralltown NA argued that based on Equity and Equitable Development standards and the likely end of the neighborhood that a proposed private dormitory for University of Kentucky students that would accommodate approximately 800 residents was inappropriate. Prior to the hearing, the developer had reduced the proposed height of the dorm to approximately 80 feet and offered the City of Lexington $1.5 million for its affordable housing fund. The plan for the dorm called for it to extend 500 feet into the neighborhood. The LFUCG Planning Commission sided with the neighborhood and voted against the dorm in a 5-4 vote. FCNC testified in favor of the neighborhood (disapproving the proposed development) based on its general meeting vote to support Pralltown.

We also have three very important meetings coming up before Thanksgiving. Please mark your calendars:

1. November 12, 6:00 pm—Council hearing on trailer park expansion near Georgetown Road. We need to turn out for this one if possible—more to follow.

2. November 14, 1:30 pm—Planning Commission to consider changes to short-term rental ordinance (Airbnb, VRBO, etc.). I don’t know yet if I have the final copy of staff recommendations for changes to the document, although I’ve seen a changed version. We need to plan for and turn out for this one—more to follow.

3. November 21, 1:30 pm—Planning Commission consideration of the Council-recommended digital billboard ordinance. Significant research has been done showing that digital billboards contribute to distracted driving, leading to increased rear-end collisions and side-swiping, especially among young drivers.

All of this is consequential, and FCNC needs to be ready for it. That will not be easy because of the size and complexity of the issues under consideration in a very brief time period.