2025 Feb 15 – Summary of Presentation on RCUT Project

Mike Vaughn, Traffic Safety Branch Manager of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, gave an excellent presentation on the upcoming 2025 changes to the Richmond Road corridor. Here are my summary points, admittedly incomplete.

See previous posts for more detailed information and links to official state pages, including https://richmondroadimprovements.com/. (As of this posting, some of the virtual rooms are not displaying properly.)

In spring 2025, the Richmond Road Improvement Project will see significant developments. The project aims to enhance safety and traffic flow by implementing restricted crossing U-turns (RCUTs) at various intersections along the Richmond Road and Athens Boonsboro corridor.

  • there are 30 RCUT intersections in Kentucky. Lexington has 1, at the entrance to the new soccer stadium.
  • for side streets, there is no left turn or straight through at these intersections – everyone MUST turn right and proceed to the u-turn lanes 800-1000’ down the road.
    • for example, for people traveling Squires Road to the Yorkshire intersection, turning left or going straight across will no longer be an option. To go downtown, a driver must first turn right, drive 800’, then u-turn back toward town. This u-turn should take a shorter or equal time than waiting for a typical 4 way stoplight to cycle, based on experiences at other RCUTs.
  • existing RCUTs have seen a 60-100% reduction in deaths and accidents.
  • an RCUT will have 50% shorter wait times, because there will be only 2 light changes and not 4 (eliminating the left turn only and straight through only from the side streets)
  • Bids to do the work will be reviewed on April 24. If the project is awarded, “Notice to Proceed” will be given in late May.
  • Work will likely begin in June or July. Completion will take about 1 year. There will be lane closures during the day during non-commute times. Lane shifts will occur during different phases of the project.
  • there will likely not be any overnight work, due to costs, and being a more dangerous time to work.
  • Pedestrian zebra crossings will have their own button, and are included in the plans. These have also shown to be safer for people to cross.

Stay in touch with us at contacttheboard, and watch this website for updates.

Addison Hosea, President, ELNA

Board Directors
East Lake Neighborhood Association, Lexington, KY

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