Here are the city’s guidelines for the removal of the many branches and trees that fell during the recent July 2nd storm:
Please put the debris in the gray yard waste cart and put the cart out to be emptied on the regular collection day.
The debris must fit in the Lenny cart so the lid closes.
Residents can also place debris in yard waste bags, though there is probably too much just for that option.
Place limbs and branches between the sidewalk and curb. Usually, the city requires that the branches/limbs be tied into bundles. That requirement is being waived at this time. The branches and limbs cannot exceed 4 feet in length.
Again, these branches and limbs will be picked up on the regular collection day.
If there is a large amount of debris or limbs that exceed 4 feet in length, then the resident needs to file a service request with LexCall. They will schedule a knuckleboom truck to pick up the debris with a mechanical scoop. Schedule service via LexCall 311 Service Request | City of Lexington ( or by calling 311 or (859) 425-2255.
Here’s an extra tip: I filed a report with LexCall at 4 pm on Friday (my regular collection day) saying my branches and limbs had not been picked up.
This morning, while checking my email, I noticed that LexCall had sent me an email wanting me to verify that the material was less than 4 feet long and if it wasn’t that they would need to assign a knuckleboom truck. This is the first time in 18 years that LexCall has asked me to verify something. They said they were holding up on my request until I answered them. If you file a request online, you will receive a system-generated email showing your information and a tracking number. Watch to see if you get a second email from LexCall.
Please feel free to write back if you need to do so.
Be well.
Information Officer
Division of Environmental Services
Department of Environmental Quality and Public Works
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government