East Lake Neighborhood Association
Lexington, Kentucky

ELNA News and updates

Neighbors: As noted in our October 2022 update (available here: https://elnalex.org/news/winter-2022-through-july-2024-richmond-road-corridor-schedule-of-improvements/), the intersection of Richmond Road at Yorkshire/Squires Road is scheduled for reconfiguration. This is part of a broader plan to modify several intersections along …

Neighbors, please take a look at the following announcement. These FCNC meetings are open to residents of all neighborhoods, including East Lake. (See the map on our home page.) We hope you can join us. …

Neighbors, I came across this Phil Levin quote on the importance of neighborhoods, in an email from James Clear (whose 3-2-1 email I recommend to you). Bold highlight is mine. – Addison Hosea, Secretary, ELNA …

Neighbors: Please review the recommended changes that FCNC is suggesting to the Urban County Council. Continue to make your voice heard and share your experiences with short-term rentals (STRs) with our 7th District Council member, …

June 8, 2024 FCNC GENERAL MEETING Neighbors Helping Neighbors, the Village Concept Parks and Recreation Board Monday Evening, June 10, 6:30, Tates Creek Christian Church Dear Neighbors, Please attend the FCNC General Meeting scheduled for …

Neighbors, if you would like a voice in VRBO and AirBNB regulations in Lexington, please follow up with the survey, linked below. You can find email addresses for Preston Worley and the Council on this …

Good morning, neighbors. You may have seen recent articles in the Herald Leader (may be behind a paywall: Lexington residents worry about neighborhood vacation rentals | Lexington Herald Leader (kentucky.com) ) about the effects that …

Neighbors – please take a few minutes to read the following. We have had several recent important changes made that will have long term impact on Lexington, including expansion of areas available for development, making …



The ELNA is a non-profit organization of resident members working together to promote, preserve, and improve their neighborhood as a desirable residential area.

Board of Directors

President -> Addison Hosea
Vice - President -> vacant
Secretary -> vacant
Treasurer -> Teresa Sutherland
Board -> Bob Kennedy
Board -> Vicki VanWinkle
Board -> Debbie Buban
Board -> vacant


Annual association dues are set at $40 and are voluntary. East Lake is *not* an HOA which typically have mandatory dues. Funds are used for social functions, such as the annual picnic, for website hosting, and for other business expenses. All board members are volunteers, and are not compensated. 

Make checks out to the East Lake Neighborhood Association. Mail dues to the ELNA Treasurer, Teresa Sutherland, 3268 Hunters Point Drive, Lexington, KY 40515.