2024 October 19 – Meet the 7th District Council Candidates!

Please come to the next meeting of the East Lake Neighborhood Association! (Yes, it has been a while.)

This will be held at Morningpointe East Activity Room, 150 Shoreside Drive, Lexington, KY 40515, at 10AM on October 19, 2024.

* Meet our 7th District City Council Candidates – Mr. Joseph Hale and Ms. Heather Hadi.
* Election of Officers – President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
* Open Time

We will be hosting Mr. Joseph Hale and Ms. Heather Hadi for a short presentation by both candidates for the 7th District City Council seat, currently held by Preston Worley until Dec 31, 2024. They want to hear about your concerns (roads, safety, short term rentals, or whatever is on your mind).

For a map of the 7th District, click here: https://lfucg.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7102b06b30204213aa0230001d147fbe

Also on the agenda is election of officers. ELNA is currently looking for a President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Our official assocation documents including by laws can be found on our website, https://elnalex.org/documents-and-links/. Residents and Owners of East Lake Neighborhood may vote.

For a map of the East Lake Neighborhood, you’ll find it on the home page at https://elnalex.org.

Addison Hosea
Secretary, ELNA

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